
Sajan Raghavan

Last Update há 3 anos

Parents: Most people use their own experience as a child to form the basis of parenting for their children. Often since they have had good parenting examples to learn from, they may raise their children in a balanced environment of discipline and freedom. However, some people have not had the opportunity to experience ‘good’ parenting. They need a lot of support to understand what they may do and what they may not as parents. They benefit from discussing with a trained counselor. Even for those, tho have had good parenting in their childhood, counseling can enhance their parenting skills – for example, in interpreting the child’s behavior, evaluating their responses to children, etc. Parenting skills can help you ‘stand back’ and see each situation with clarity. Your counselor can talk to your child independently and understand their point of view. In cases where you need special skills, you could also learn techniques to handle certain difficult behaviors with your child.

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