What value does Saarathi bring?

Sajan Raghavan

Last Update vor 3 Jahren

Saarathi offers value to two entities: 
1. Youngsters wanting to wanting to regain balance and excel in life while learning employability, leadership skills
2. Social Businesses who are seeking to adopt low cost and high impact technology

For Social Organizations and NGOs: NGOs can benefit from digital transformation to boost their operational efforts in an increasingly digital world, regardless of the cause they support – social, environmental, or humanitarian. This aids in fundraising, increasing production, and preserving a high degree of trust. Despite the crisis, contributors have shown to be even more generous; according to certain surveys, donations climbed by 164% in 2020 compared to March 2019.

For NGOs, digital transformation is an excellent opportunity to integrate technology with their mission, resulting in a well-equipped workforce with performance tools and more efficient operations. Saarathi can assist you with this.

For Youngsters Seeking to Excel in Life: A life coach is a type of wellness professional who assists people in making progress in their lives so that they can achieve greater happiness. Clients work with life coaches to improve their relationships, careers, and daily lives.

Life coaches may assist you in defining your objectives, identifying the roadblocks that are preventing you from achieving them, and devising solutions to overcome each one. Life coaches tailor these strategies to your specific abilities and gifts. Life coaches provide the assistance you need to create long-term transformation by assisting you in maximising your talents.

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