Not sure who to connect with?

Sajan Raghavan

Last Update 3 years ago

Psychotherapist: You may be struggling with issues concerning your or your loved one's mind such as disturbing intrusive thoughts, depression, hearing sounds and voices or seeing things, for which you may require a mental status examination, diagnosis, therapy and/or medication. If so you can choose to connect with a Psychotherapist.


Counsellor: You may be struggling with confusion, stress or lack of clarity in dealing with your roles and relationships in life such as that of a parent, partner, or you may be dealing with any other challenges of daily living in which you may benefit from talking to someone and gaining their perspective, in this case you could connect with a Counsellor.



Life Coach: If you feel you need help in improving yourself in specific areas of life with the help of someone who is experienced and aware, so that you can learn, grow and achieve balance, perform better and have a more rewarding personal or professional life, you may choose to connect with a Life Coach.

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